I’m an ambassador for Movember, the leading men’s health charity, because I believe that men are dying too young & that many of these deaths are preventable. By sharing information and starting conversations about suicide prevention, sharing knowledge of male specific cancers – testicular & prostate – we can help men live happier, longer lives.
Donate by clicking through to Mobro.co/AndyElwood
Men don’t look after themselves
Since I pivoted in my career to saving lives through a focus on mental health rather than physical health, I have realised that many men, myself included, aren’t very good at looking after ourselves or being proactive when it comes to our health. We always have something better to do and often put ourselves last, instead of first. Sometimes this is because of fear of the unknown and being unclear what might happen if we have an issue, a problem, a diagnosis – whether physical or mental health related.
Living with depression, burnout & a flashback experience weren’t in the plan I had for how I wanted my life to be. I denied them for a long time, I kept going and tried to move on, facing forward, charging at the next challenge – to distract myself, to keep performing and not giving away any signs to anyone that something was up, that I needed a rest to restore myself and recuperate. I wish I had got a little help earlier.
I wore a mask & ignored red flags
I wore a mask and didn’t want to believe what was going on for me for a long time. I ignored the red flags and kept going trying to do more, instead of less & trying to fix myself by ignoring the issues and the problems. The world keeps turning and life goes on one day at time, no matter what happens to me. I’m stronger now because I’m open about my experiences and the more I talk about it, the easier to live with it becomes. I share my own difficulties in life, to make it easier for others to feel better and find help. I don’t want anyone else to have to feel alone and without hope of change – like I did. There is always hope : )
Now, I realise that my depression does NOT define me & I can still enjoy life but in a different way than before. I run a successful business, meet interesting people and do things that I enjoy with people (& a dog) I love! I make time to do these things because I realise the value in them. I realise that these simple things and these few people are what keep me well and on the up with a future that I can look forward to.
3 things I want everyone to know
- It’s really common to find life difficult at times
- You are NOT alone feeling like this
- There is plenty of help, we just want to find the right help for you
The work I do focused on Men’s Health, specifically men’s mental health is a mission for me and it’s a pleasure to have been selected again to be an ambassador for Movember. Let me share some of their key resources in this blog to help men lead happier, longer lives – it’s a list of 5 with some overlap with the ‘5-a-day for positive mental health’ which I usually promote…
5 things men should know or do:
- Stay connected – with people who help you feel good
- Talk more – be a man of more words – have a chinwag
- Get a prostate cancer check at 50 (45 if black or family history)
- Know your nuts & check ’em regularly. See a GP if they change
- Move more – cos it’s good for your physical & mental health!
More resources, information and fun are out there during this Movember – the hairiest of months. Please donate what you can to my fundraising page if you believe in what I do now. I do this work all year around and this is the only time that I ask for donations. The projects & research which Movember funds saves lives and changes lives for the better. That has got to be worth a few quid…
How about starting a fundraising page yourself – you don’t have to grow a moustache – you can do a physical challenge, host an event or ‘Mo your own way’ – for really crazy ideas!! There is deffo something for you. have a look at uk.movember.com for more info. take care and have some fun.
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