
Do you need someone to start the conversation on mental health in your organisation?

Would it help to have a man demonstrate vulnerability and expose his flaws?

Are you looking for some help provide ongoing Wellbeing for yourself and others?

Do you want to avoid the pitfalls of 21stcentury life and the never-ending push for success?

Would you like to increase the capacity of your stress container so that you can weather the storms in your professional & personal life?

Increase your confidence of how to approach someone in crisis in your organisation or personal life so that you can save someone’s life, when they most need help.

Do you want confidence to start a conversation which makes it possible for journey from despair towards a feeling of hope for the future and recovery?

Are you struggling to overcome 21st century first world problems, such as divorce, multiple home relocations, juggling more than one job and family bereavements?

Do you need insights, takeaways and a practical toolkit for Wellbeing?

Andy began public speaking in 2018 by delivering a mental health workshop, attended by the Duke of Cambridge, at the National UK Search and Rescue conference at the NEC.

Book yourself an intimate face to face session

Learn strategies and practical tips learned in life-threatening situations in Afghanistan and lifesaving incidents on UK Search and Rescue helicopters.

Do you wonder why it’s more difficult for men to talk about mental health and wish you knew how to release emotions in a positive way to stay healthy?

Events 2019:

Mountain Rescue in Scotland Wellbeing and Resilience Framework launch event

Mind Blue Light Programme Celebration event

Our Blue Light Charity Wellbeing Conference

Jacobs Health and Wellbeing week

Cambridge University School of Medicine Wellbeing Event

Alpkit Search & Rescue evening

Stay Well Road trip in Scotland, with Andy’s Landie

Emergency Services Show, NEC

Mind – World Mental Health Day

Highland Show, Edinburgh – Rural Mental Health Stand

Book An Event

Reserve Your Place

Book yourself an intimate face to face session to learn strategies and practical tips learned in life-threatening situations in Afghanistan and lifesaving incidents on UK Search and Rescue helicopters.

Do you wonder why it’s more difficult for men to talk about mental health and wish you knew how to release emotions in a positive way to stay healthy?
